Impact of IIDS’ Research on Funding Agencies, Grassroots-level Organisations, and Academia

IIDS’ research has played a significant role in decision-making of funding organisations and policy and planning of bilateral and multilateral organisations, such as UNICEF, UNDP, IDRC, DFID, World Bank, and FAO. The engagements with these development agencies have made an impact on their approach and policies to focus on marginalised groups.

  • IIDS prepared a concept paper on ‘Social Exclusion Linked Poverty’, sponsored byDFID, which ultimately led to a policy document by the latter, and brought out a programme titled ‘Poorest Area Civil Society’ (PACS). The PACS programmes’ focus is on social exclusion and poverty in India among the excluded 
  • IIDS undertook research studies on discrimination in schools and healthcare serviceswith support from UNICEF which has facilitated to bring about some modifications in the policies framed for school education in India by 
  • IIDS’research on labour-market discrimination in rural areas sponsored by International Labor Organization (ILO) has influenced the policy of the ILO towards labourforce in 
  • The World Bank published IIDS’ research on malnutrition and its link with caste andreligion as their policy 
  • IIDS has influenced the World Bank Country Program Strategy (2013–16) for India.This now includes planning for the challenges faced by unequal benefit distribution based on caste and gender among others.
  • IIDS’research on agricultural productivity in India has influenced the Food and Agriculture Organization Country Programme Framework (2013–17) for agriculture and rural development.
  • IIDS’research has enabled NGOs to develop approaches and strategies towards discriminated groups at the grassroots